March 7, 2025

Director of Music

Metropolitan Community Church of San Francisco (MCCSF) San Francisco, California

Summary of Available Position: MCC-SF is looking for an innovative and committed part-time music director to create, nurture, and grow a vibrant and dynamic church music program. The position will be a 24 hour/week job with a salary commensurate with experience and will report to the Provisional Interim Pastor. A successful candidate should be able to demonstrate the ability and willingness to: - Plan music choices involving a range of styles designed to provide a high-quality worship experience at all church services based on readings and theme provided by the pastor; - Promote the congregation’s active participation in worship; - Recruit and develop musicians – both singers and instrumentalists - and generally encourage participation in the church’s music program at all services while maintaining morale and a musical experience of the highest quality. Required Experience and Skills: A successful candidate will be an accomplished pianist with: - Experience in leading church music and directing choirs; - Strong administrative skills; - Strong leadership and people skills, particularly in dealing with a diverse, urban, and predominantly LGBTQI population; - A deep understanding of the need for, and ability to create and employ, inclusive language in all worship presentations; - Alignment with the Vision and Mission Statements of MCCSF The Church holds two primary hybrid (both in-person and online) weekly services: a Sunday morning worship service (with a mix of both traditional and progressive music) and Wednesday evening candlelight service (with contemplative music and mediation).

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