March 5, 2025

Music Director

Beth El Synagogue St. Louis Park, Minnesota

The candidate will specialize in traditional and contemporary Jewish and Israeli music, and possess a deep knowledge of Torah, Hebrew, and liturgy. Embracing the diversity of the modern Jewish community, they are to be integrated into the life of the congregation and a valued, collaborative partner with the clergy team, synagogue staff and lay leadership. God • Collaborate with the other musically oriented clergy to create soulful davening that brings us to tears and to sing out loud, to dance and to meditate in silence. • Add to and enhance the capabilities of synagogue members, young and old, to lead and participate in t’filot and to share the bima with these leaders with pride. Torah • Coordinate closely with the B’nai Mitzvah Program Director and tutoring staff, to ensure the b’nai mitzvah student is well prepared to lead tefilot and inspired to continue following their B Mitzvah.

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