Sept. 30, 2024

Orchestra Librarian

American Composers Orchestra New York, New York

The Orchestra Librarian is a key staff position responsible for the concert operations of the ACO Library. The Librarian will provide support and work closely with the Artistic Director, musicians, staff, other conductors and guest artists. • Responsible for all aspects of music preparation, including but not limited to editing, proofreading, distribution, and managing the collection of and marking bowings in all string parts • Work with conductors and soloists to prepare music according to their specific requirements • Coordinate all music performance materials to ensure editions are compatible in every way • Review all music to determine if orchestra parts meet acceptable standards: legible parts, adequate rehearsal letters, numbers, and measure numbers. • Ensure that all musicians have music and, if not, provide alternative materials • Manage conductor's scores and batons; collect and store all music at conclusion of services • Distribute and collect music at concerts and rehearsals; assist conductors and musicians with needs related to printed music • Follow up at every rehearsal with the conductor and string principals for possible bowing changes, mistakes to be corrected in the parts, bad page turns, etc. • Undergraduate degree required, and a minimum of five years orchestral library experience preferred • Have strong desire to work with musicians and to provide the best work environment possible • Ability to interact effectively with Artistic Director, conductor, musicians, staff, stage crew, and guest artists • Must possess knowledge and love of contemporary music • Thorough knowledge of orchestral literature, foreign terms, musical terms/signs (including bow markings) and contemporary notation • Ability to read/write music in different clefs and transpositions, transcribe parts, copy orchestra parts legibly and quickly using hand manuscript and computer notation software • Knowledge of current score editions and reference sources, enabling performance from materials meeting the highest scholarly standards • Possess knowledge of copyright laws in the U.S. and knowledge/familiarity with music licensing agencies • Knowledge of archival preservation of paper materials • Self-directed, with a strong work ethic and collaborative skills • Ability to think creatively, problem-solve in advance, meet deadlines, and work in a fast-paced environment with minimal direction • Strong organizational skills, attention to detail, and a high degree of accuracy are essential • Willingness to work flexible night and weekend hours during the concert days • Proficiency with Google Workspace

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