Nov. 11, 2022


Confidential New Jersey, New Jersey

THERE IS LITTLE THAT YOU WILL DO IN YOUR LIFETIME THAT IS AS IMPORTANT AS WHAT I (and a very tiny group of others) ARE TRYING TO DO HERE: RE-ENGINEER AND RECAST THE WORLD ON THE BASIS OF LOVE (properly understood). DETAIL If you are highly socially aware and feel as I do that this world is on a perpetual crash-course to nowhere, with Love, properly understood, as the only answer, then you'll cherish your affiliation with me, as saving this world through Love is my singular objective, for which I possess the intellect, creative skill, and conceptual tools. If not you--who? I'm a unique thinker, writer, philosopher, musician, inventor, and now political candidate, with the intellect, conceptual tools, creativity, and dedication to task, transforming the world through Love, with the real potential to generate millions of dollars in income--and I practice what I preach, so I'm *also* a caregiver of 23 years struggling with an extremely tough familial caregiving and now foreclosure situation, which is largely why these positions must remain unpaid, for now. Accordingly, please join my Support Team or otherwise affiliate with me and my work, and in any case, no matter how you support me, my family, and my work, PLEASE make a financial contribution, as much as possible, as fast as possible, as often as possible using the PayPal mechanism at the bottom of my Presidential site

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