How it works

Start your job search in one minute

Easily sign up with our community of creative professionals. You can upload your resume or try our state-of-the-art resume builder. One single price lets you access all the jobs and exclusive services. Of course you can cancel anytime and there are absolutely no additional costs or hidden fees. We don’t like them either.

Access only the best jobs

Let our team of expert hand-pick the best creative jobs out there for you. You’ll also see a lot of jobs freshly posted from employers as they love our community of professionals. Be proactive and use your employer and recruiter directory to contact and network with them.

Never miss an opportunity again

Either you’re a fashion designer, an interior designer, professional of photography, etc. you’ll be able to browse jobs by categories that make sense as a creative professional. Once you’ve told us your preferences you can start receiving e-mail alerts whenever an opportunity arises for you.

Showcase yourself professionally

Get your own professional public profile. Quickly organize your work in a beautiful portfolio and resume. Your profile will be accessible to employers and recruiters that search our database of professional, and your application will get special attention. Learn more with our screencast.

Never alone in your job search anymore

Share your experience with other jobseekers and professional from your area. Get noticed by publishing your own blog and articles in our community area. Learn new things and make new contacts!

Membership Features

  • Access a database of hand-picked jobs
  • Create your online professional profile with portfolio and resume
  • Boost your network: Connect with other professionals
  • Publish and share your stuff on a personal blog
What makes theCreativeloft stand out is the quality of their services. Katie Orman